Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Aloha to our Handles

One thing I've been thinking about lately is the capacity love has to make change. I'm a big believer in the fact that if we want to see positive changes to any aspect of our lives, we need to apply love. This includes our bodies and the way we perceive them. Analiese mentioned the other day that she loves her curves and I was so happy to read that. I'm still on that journey but have come a long ways and am certainly grateful for this most amazing gift.

That's what I appreciate about this challenge. It's seeking to address the whole person. And I'm a believer that if I feel more love for my body, mind and spirit, I'll have a greater desire to each component in the best possible way.

I'm thrilled to share that my back has healed much in the last week. I went on a long walk last night and came home feeling fantastic. I went on another this morning with Clementine and have a hankering to go on another tonight if I can swing it.

On another note, I made a yummy breakfast this morning. Clementine and I ate eggs with zucchini, onions and loads of spinach. I mixed a little pesto into the scrambled egg mixture and it made them taste divine. I crumbled a little feta cheese on top but later realized that it wasn't necessary. The eggs were good enough to stand on their own. We ate it with a side of turkey bacon. Delish!

And now I'm off to make lunch, cucumber sandwiches a la Lala's suggestion.


  1. Aloha to our handles....love the handles we have and love them even more when we can say aloha (goodbye) to them! Haha

  2. BYW...the eggs sound amazing! Must have been those delish eggs you got from my plump chickens

  3. That's right. We wish them well and hope to never see them again. I should have mentioned the importance of the source of the eggs. It makes all the difference in the world! ;)

  4. I'm so glad to hear your back is doing better, Sara!!!! =] and those eggs do sound yummy!!!!

    Last night I had a lot more to say, but couldn't type it...and now today I've forgotten it all!!!! Lol so let's see...

    It took me A LONG time to learn to love my curves...this last pregnancy helped me A LOT...with opening up to love in many aspects, and to eating healthier!!!! =]

    I agree, things done in love are just so much better!!!! =] hope you guys have done well this wk!!!! I'm already noticing a difference!!!! =] At this rate, I should be halfway to where I want to be at the end of the 8 wks...I'm hoping I'll be right where I want to be though! =] MUAH MUAH
