Friday, April 11, 2014

End of First Week!!!! =]


And I can say ALOHA to a portion of my handles already!!!! =] YEAY!!!!  So, it's the last day of the first week! I'm not sure when I should weigh in...I mean, I kinda weighed myself this morning already, but I think I'm going to do it tomorrow morning??  Because technically, tomorrow morning would be the end of the first week and the start to the second week.

Anyway, how'd y'all do this week?!?  My BMS challenge went I was a bit stressed with what was going on in Life.  So glad at least I was able to stick to my goal!!!! =]  It kind of helped, because with everything else going seemingly unaccordingly to plan, at least I knew what I definitely did and did not have to do.  Although, sometimes some foods come into question as to what list they belong.  I just did my best, and I honestly believe I have done so much better.  I've been on this path already, but with just these few tiny changes I made this past week, I've already seen a difference!!!! =]

So glad to be on the team!!!! =]  I'm ok sharing my weight and size if you all don't care.  I don't have to post them, it's just exciting sometimes.  I understand that health is more important than numbers, nonetheless, numbers are still fun to look at sometimes...or sometimes =]

Oh, so, I love that you guys post recipes!!!! =]  That's awesome!!!!  I need to be better at that.  One thing I will say...we went to the Waimea Bay Farmers' Market on Thursday and bought some of the spices there...check out (I think that's it)...and used a little of one of them in the black beans that we had to eat last night...YUMMY!!!! =]  Now, I didn't buy the one that looked yummy for fruit (the Margarita mix one...Li Hing) b/c it contains saccharin and a couple other things I avoid.  Anyway, I don't eat much salt in other things I guess...idk...I've never believed in cutting much salt out...jijiji...but we were told only to use a little anyway. 

Question:: what do you guys think if you fry some onions and garlic in maybe 1T(or less) of a healthy oil...would you consider that deep frying??  See, I just am so conflicted w/ the "frying" part...**sigh**help**


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